23 February, 2013

Word of the Day: Limitless

without limit, end, or boundary
boundless, unlimited, unbounded, infinite

So I recently watched the movie Limitless. Needless to say, I want NZT-48. No, I don't want the four digit IQ, the money, or the confidence. I just need the focus.

Seriously, I have a really bad attention span and it just seemed so good to be focused. If I had focus like that, I would have been able to read books I intend to read and those that I have to read to be good at what I want to do in life. I would be able to concentrate on things that I need and have to do, like write applications and exercise. I would be way smarter than people think I am if I was more focused and wasn't distracted.

I hate how people who know me say that I'm a smart person when clearly I'm not. I just know a little bit about something and deliver it in such a way that it sounds smart. If I had something like NZT, I would be able to be more confident about what I know and can do. It would open up new opportunities for me.

But such is life and NZT is far from becoming reality. The closest we have is a drug for narcolepsy, and it's not OTC. So tough nuts.

But really, one cannot rely on drugs to better life. You have to strive for it and struggle even.

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