01 March, 2013

Of Buses and Trains

Today, I learned how to use the bus line around Torrance, California. I had to because I needed to know how to get to the adult school I recently registered to. And with no car yet, public transit was the only solution.

It was a nice experience, one that reminded me of college days when I used to take public transportation going to my campus and other places. From overcrowded trains, to clunky jeepneys, to daredevil buses. I missed it, the thrill and challenge of it all. It was one of the few things I was good at, in my opinion. I could go places just by taking time to observe routes and stops. With an adequate sense of direction and wanderlust, it was one of the most fulfilling things I did.

For some reason, I preferred public transportation over driving a car. It may well be because I don't want to worry about driving, or that most of the time I'll be on my own. One of the things I love about traveling as such is the interesting people you run into along the way. Each and every one had a story to tell, one different from the next. Yet we share a common trait, we share but one thing.  We all had a place to go to, a place we end up at. We each had our destinations. Some got on and off the same places, while others traded places. Gazes meet, elbows rub. While most kept to themselves, some are eager to share a friendly greeting and a hearty smile.

Then there's the places you pass by. Views you won't be able to appreciate if you're driving, as you're focused on following rules and being safe (Not that I have anything against it. To be honest, I implore you people to follow the rules of the road and be safe when you drive). I know what you're thinking, "There's not much to see, even if you have time to look at them." Well I for one am very appreciative of the simple things that people don't tend to notice. Like new buildings, various colors of flowers, the pedestrians walking around, and a lot of other things. People are so busy that they fail to see beauty in the little things. There's a lot of awesome things to see if you just took the time and chance to see them.

So all in all, this day was nostalgic to say the least. I look forward to the many trips that I take from now on. If and when I do get my own car, I will still make a point to use public transportation, just to remind me of my roots. And an escape from being boxed in.

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