10 December, 2011

Yes To Change!!

So recently I've been uber depressed about things. But when December arrived, it suddenly faded. Weird huh. It was as if all the drama and sadness just got shoved into its tiny box shelved away in a deep dark void somewhere. I wouldn't complain about it, but I found it a bit odd that it was that fast. Well, I guess that means I get over things fast, don't dwell on things that linger in the past, like mistakes, regrets, and other crap. How I manage to get on with my life knowing that I should learn from the mistake I made, and even the ones people made to me. I also heard on the radio that if one was to make a New Year's resolution work, you have to work at it earlier.

Great advice right?! So I thought deep about it, and had an epiphany! Yes, indeed!

I'm gonna change for the better, not for you, or anyone else, but for my own good. Who knows, maybe Future Me would land a great job, a nice house, a girl who loves him more than anyone did, and an awesome digital home theater. Oh, I'd love that. I sure hope Future Me is taking notes. Especially the girl and the job. That would be awesome.

So yeah, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll try to improve myself. But no, I won't let other people tell me how to do it. I wont let any human being dictate how I should and shouldn't be. I'll do things my way...


I'm going to put behind the past, make sure it stays there, and go to a place where I can truly be happy, focused, accomplished, and when I get back here, and find the things I've once left behind, I'd laugh at them.
Why the hell would I pick up things of the past, they are old and used. I need to move on and forget everything else other than what I learned there.

So while others linger at the past, the mistakes people made to them and the decisions they made that proved underwhelming, I will do my best to face the future, never getting bitter about the past and what mistakes were made.

I mean, why be bitter and cranky about one thing when you can focus on fixing it and moving on. I guess some people are not as open-minded. Well, sucks to be them.

So I say to you, readers...THEY SEE YOU ROLLIN', THEY HATIN'

...but dont you dare let that get the best of you! I say leave that lame Grinch* and move on towards something awesome.

*How I Met Your Mother reference! -high five-

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