29 April, 2010

Where's the sincerity in your lies?

NOTE: I've been meaning to post this for a few days now, but since I rarely get free time now, I only squeezed this in on my schedule.

So I was on duty at a special institution for individuals with mental disorders and let me tell you, it's like eating langka. Once you get past the smell and the sight, it was pretty okay. It sure was challenging to be there, to care for, and talk to them. But to see them smile and laugh and say thanks for the things we did was very fulfilling. It made me feel accomplished and worthy to be there. And so after the 16 hours worth of duty there, we had our terminating conference. We discussed recommendations and insights on the facility. A lot answered very inspiring things, but as I was discussing with a classmate, she noted that one thing was not said.

"Di nila nabanggit yung pagiging sincere."

It hit me hard. She was right. A lot of us endured the foul smells and sights just so we could end the duty and get it over with. We do these nursing duties mostly for the requirements, not because we care for them. Something we should have been keeping in mind rather than getting the grades and skills we needed. What a realization.

Have you ever thought of doing something nice for someone just for the heck of it? To be nice towards something with nothing in return, be it material or otherwise? Because most of the time, when we do something good or say something nice, we get these lines:

"May lagnat ka ba?" "May kailangan ka noh?" "Himala, mabait ka ngayon!!" "Sino ka at anong ginawa mo sa kasama ko?" "Wow ah, gumaganon!"

And so on and so forth!

Nowadays, only a few give a damn about one's sincerity on the things he does for others. No one believes on true acts of random kindness. Everything seems to have a "catch." It's quite disheartening and makes you just want to quit doing nice things and stop giving a care for no one but yourself.

The sincerity on a person's words, actions, and even the silence and space they provide you with, goes unappreciated and underestimated, leaving said person with his heart strewn across the hall in bloody unrecognizable pieces. Quite a grotesque and depressing sight to see.

So appreciate the sincerity of a person, and learn to be sincere and truthful about being nice and choosing not to be an ass to someone. You may never know who would turn a new leaf and be sincere just like you.

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