10 September, 2013

When Cartoons Made More Sense

An episode of Adventure Time aired on September 2, 2013 titled "Earth and Water" and was the third episode related to Finn and Flame Princess' break up.

As far as writing goes, this episode was great. I mean you'd think it's just an innocent cartoon with randomly simple plots, but no. To the unobservant eye, yes. Yet if you pay attention and actually piece things together you'd be surprised with how much of life it actually portrays. Mind you, the setting of this cartoon is post-apocalyptic Earth where a lone human boy has to fend for himself. Sure, it has its moments of odd and crazy episodes, but it gives you major feels sometimes.

The reason I wanted to delve into this particular episode is because of how things turned out between Finn and Flame Princess. I'm pretty sure that if you're a fan of Adventure Time, you know what happened. I see a lot of people rooting for FP and actually praising her for what she did. And I respect that. I actually loved the character development and the fact that she overthrew her tyrant of a father.

On the other hand, I feel that Finn got bashed real bad. I noticed on the Frost & Fire episode that the reason Finn wanted things to go his way was because Jake told him about the Cosmic Owl and how important it was to know what the dream meant. Had Finn been more calm about it, I think things wouldn't have gone the way they did. Maybe the Cosmic Owl did have something important for Finn, but because of his actions, it only warned him that he would "blow it," as Ice King pointed out later on. I just wish Finn would be able to handle it a lot better than he did with Princess Bubblegum.

But to be honest, the real reason I wanted to write about this was because of the personal events that transpired prior to me watching this episode. As you might know from reading this blog, my relationships haven't been top notch. In fact, one might say that I blew it.

And yes, I have come to realize that. And here's a new one for ya! I realized that the moment I chose one over the other. Right at that moment, I knew I chose the wrong one. No, nothing was wrong about her. Just that she wasn't who I'm supposed to be with, and she deserved someone better. I realized that she once left me and that should have been enough. But I was foolish enough to think that this time around, it'll be different.

There were times I thought that she ultimately did what she did because all she wanted was to ruin me. Whether or not that was her intention, it did ruin me. So much so that neither one of them would ever want me ever again. But I told myself that neither of them were at fault. It was all me, I was to blame for what I did. And I accepted that.

But to think that after all this time, after pushing me away when all I wanted was to talk, my first girlfriend contacted me and wanted to be friends. I already knew that I don't have a chance with her anymore, yet here I was, hopeful. But I knew what she was going to say and I did what would ultimately be beneficial for the both of us. I just asked her to leave things as it is. She's happy and that's all that matters. I never want to hurt any of them as much as I did already.


Oh, how those four words would resonate in my mind ever so often. A reminder of what could have been, and how I wasted it on making stupid decisions. Never again will I do that.

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