16 December, 2010

Another 2 a.m. epiphany!

I've been getting a lot of these lately.

Notice how some people find thousands (hyperbole much?) of ways to reason out why they are sad or lonely? It's like almost every thing that comes up becomes a reason to be in grief and be in a bad mood.

I'm not saying we shouldn't let it all out from time to time, it's just that some people tend to overdo things. They're so vocal about the fact that they are single, broken hearted, etc, that it's getting annoying more than it is troubling. Over and over again, they try to make it clear that they are sad.

"SMP ako, huhuhu...(posted more than 50 times either by the same person or not)"
"Buti pa kayo, masaya..."


But why do they do that? Is it because of the longing they get whenever they see other people who are happy? Do they miss that happiness, or do they wish they were the ones who were happy? Is it envy? Is it despair?

Whatever the reason for one's pain, there's always bound to be a positive side to it. Never dwell on your sorrows, you'll die faster. (That's a fact.) Never sit in your stagnant puddle of sadness, move on.

"We can never really enjoy the sunshine without a little rain."

I don't know who coined that phrase, but he/she must be a smart person. For one, I try to be happy, as much as I can. I try to see things as they are. I appreciate what I have. I don't long for what is not needed. Embrace what comes, and make the most of it, be it a loss, a crisis, or just a bad day.