And that brings us to my first blog topic!
So recently I've been reading other people's blogs and posts on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, etc. Most of them are really insightful and deep, so it bothered me that I haven't done my share. A lot has happened since I last blogged but I haven't had the time to sit down and type about it. Is it me or have I been neglecting my duties? I know I don't have a lot of readers, but hey, at least they care enough to read, right?
So I apologize to those who have read my blogs and haven't heard since then. I do solemnly swear to keep this new blog alive and updated as much as I can.
But it couldn't be helped! I was bombarded with requirements left and right! Pressure from classmates here and there pushed me to actually studying! It was straining my laid-back disposition way too much that I wailed and whined about it to my former classmates. Add to that numerous disappointments and letdowns. It was too much of a mess that I nearly broke down!
But good thing it didn't last long. Change was evident, so I embraced it. It's kinda scary cause I'm not yet aware as to where it would lead me, but it's a lot better than being in an environment bent on breaking you into pieces, eating you alive, etc. etc.
So embrace change! It's something no one can escape!
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